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CEO, Skyway

Brief info

Clifford Cruz is the CEO and founder of Skyway, an unparalleled air traffic management company with its eye on the future of airborne vehicles and services. Clifford has over 20 years of experience in the Cyber Security industry and is notable for various enterprise security products. His career has led him to become a professional inventor, holding many patents that have led to iconic products and services we all use today. He is a computer science engineer by trade with a highly respected business background. Clifford comes from an aviation family background in air cargo and became a junior pilot by the age of 15.

Some notable inventions include Digital Stereographic Camera, Archival Disk Imaging Machine, Software Defined Radio Antenna Array, Quantum Encryption Fragmentation Protocol, Dynamic Encrypted Keyboard, and many others. His work in the Urban Air Mobility Industry has now led to many other innovations at Skyway, including the Air Navigation Pod.